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Electrical Panel Upgrade Tampa

Electrical Panel Upgrade in Tampa & Throughout Central Florida

Are your breakers constantly tripping? Do you blow fuses frequently? If so, it may be time to consider an electrical panel upgrade. When breakers are tripping and fuses are blowing, this often means that you are putting too much of a demand on your electrical panel. Each panel has a maximum power capacity, so if you have recently added a new appliance, installed additionally wiring, or otherwise made a change to your electrical demands, your system simply might not be ready to handle the additional workload. 

An Electrical Panel Upgrade Can Save You Time & Money

Electrical Panel Upgrade TampaIt can be frustrating when you constantly have to flip a breaker. It can also be dangerous. If your breakers are constantly tripping, chances are pretty good that you are at an increased risk for an electrical fire, as well. The constant added stress on the system can cause the panel or wiring to spark, which could mean disaster for your home or business. 

Let the experts at Brandon Electric, Inc. inspect your current electrical system and panel to ensure that your panel is ready to perform for your power needs. We can determine if your panel is equipped to handle the load, provide any minor maintenance your panel may need, or repair any components that require additional attention. 

But, We Haven’t Added Anything New to the System?

Even if you haven’t added new wiring or appliances, you might be using more power than before. Have guests over? Using lights in more rooms than usual? Any small change could cause an electrical issue if you have an overloaded system. 

If you truly aren’t requiring more power output from your panel, it could be that your system is just getting too old to perform as it once did. In these cases, we can help, as well. We can help you determine if there is any life left in your current panel or if a replacement panel is recommended. 

What Other Services Does Brandon Electric, Inc. Provide?

Brandon Electric, Inc. offers all of the electrical services your home or business could need, including the following and more:

Brandon Electric, Inc. is proud to serve those in Tampa, Orlando, Lakeland, Apollo Beach, Clermont, and throughout Central Florida. Contact us today to schedule an electrical panel upgrade, electrical repairs, maintenance, installations, and more.

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